Here is a list of question that frequently get asked of us. We are always happy to answer any questions that may not be on this list below. Please use the contact link to reach out to us so we can help you.
When will my shirt order ship?
Each item is handcrafted and custom made. Several things happen at once. We design and print your order and we order your shirts. Our vendors are very swift at ensuring we get our orders on time. Once we have your shirts and designs, we measure and heat press them on the shirt multiple times to ensure durability and quality.
To answer the question more directly, it takes about 5 to 10 business days for your order to ship. Depending what you order, in some cases; we can get the order our sooner.
If you ordered just a film transfer, this should ship to you in about 5-7 business days.
What if I just ordered the shirt design? How do I heat press it myself?
- Heat the press to 300-315 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Press the garment for 10-12 seconds
- Allow the transfer and shirt to completely cool to room temperature
- Peel transfer off shirt
- Cover with a Teflon sheet, press again for another 10 seconds
Enjoy your new shirt!
How much is shipping?
Shipping is based on weight and your location. We do not markup shipping costs, we only charge a small fee for packaging materials to ensure your items arrive safely and securely. The speed of shipping is your choice. Keep in mind, choosing a faster shipping rate does not mean your order will ship quicker. We are working to reduce overall initial shipment time as time goes on. We will update this page as that changes.